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首頁 / 研究成果
  1. Chen, C., Cheng, Y., Wu, C. T., Chiang, C. H., Wong, C. C., Huang, C. M., ... & Fan, Y. T. (2024). A sensory signature of unaffected biological parents predicts the risk of autism in their offspring. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 78(1), 60-68.(SCI)姜忠信
  2. Yang, L. X., Lin, C. Y., Zhan, W. Z., Chiang, B. A., & Chang, E. C. (2024). Why Do We Not Wear Masks Anymore during the COVID-19 Wave? Vaccination Precludes the Adoption of Personal Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions: A Quantitative Study of Taiwanese Residents. Medicina, 60(2), 301. (SCIE)楊立行
  3. Yang, L. X., & Chiang, P. A. (2024). Post-training flexibility in category learning. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 1-10. (SSCI)楊立行
  4. Yang, L. X., Lin, C. Y., Zhan, W. Z., Chiang, B. A., & Chang, E. C. (2024). Factors Affecting the Decline in Personal Non-pharmaceutical Intervention Adoption during the COVID-19 Wave: A Systematic View Based on Risk Perception. Preprints. 楊立行
  5. Lane, T. J., Liou, T. H., Kung, Y. C., Tseng, P., & Wu, C. W. (2024). Functional blindsight and its diagnosis. Frontiers in Neurology, 15, 1207115. (SCI) 曾祥非
  6. Hsu, W. C., & Yeh, Y. C. (2024). Investigating the neural substrate variations between easy and challenging creative association tasks during product design within an fMRI scanner. IBRO Neuroscience Reports, 16, 550-559. (SCOPUS)葉玉珠
  7. Tzeng, Y.-L., Chung, Y.-C., Wang, S.-L. S., & Lee, C.-Y.* (2024). Efficacy of multimedia phonetic radical training for elementary school students with poor reading ability. Bulletin of Special Education, 49(1), 1-28. doi: 10.6172/BSE.202403_49(1).0001 (TSSCI) 李佳穎
  8. Yeh, P. W., Chiang, C. H., & Lee, C. Y. (2024). Processing of Emotional Words in Children and Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-14. (SSCI) 李佳穎
  9. He, M. L., Chen, N. F., Wang, P. X., Chen, H. Y., Lai, W. Y., Liao, P. T., ... & Lee, W. Y. (2024). Mussel-inspired sticky self-healing conductive hydrogels composites for physiological electrical sensing. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 12(34), 22859-22866 .(SCI) 陳乃鳳、張葶葶、李文亞
  10. Ng, C. T., Huang, P. H., Cho, Y. C., Lee, P. H., Liu, Y. C., & Chang, T. T. (2024). Frontoparietal and salience network synchronizations during nonsymbolic magnitude processing predict brain age and mathematical performance in youth. Human Brain Mapping, 45(11), e26777. (SCI) 黃柏僩、李佩芳、劉宜昌、張葶葶
  11. Chen, C., Cheng, Y., Wu, C. T., Chiang, C. H., Wong, C. C., Huang, C. M., ... & Fan, Y. T. (2024). A sensory signature of unaffected biological parents predicts the risk of autism in their offspring. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 78(1), 60-68. (SSCI, SCI, SCOPUS) 姜忠信
  12. Kim, D., Yun, J. Y., Lee, H. A., Song, P., Ahn, H., Yang, C. M., & Kim, J. H. (2024). Validation of the Korean version of the leep Hygiene Practice Scale in a Non-Clinical Population. Behavioral leep Medicine, 1-12. (SCIE)楊建銘
  13. Chen, P. Y., Wang, M. H., Chang, C. N., Yang, C. M., & Chao, T. Y. (2024). Is the Epworth leepiness scale a valid outcome measure to evaluate the effectiveness of positive airway pressure treatments on daytime leepiness? Psychometric insights from measurement invariance and response shifts. leep and Breathing, 1-8. (SCI)楊建銘
  14. Huang, C. C. (2024). Forms and functions of self-repetition in Mandarin child-directed speech. Language Sciences, 105, 101644. (AHCI, SSCI) 黃瓊之
  15. Chuo, S., Peng, Y. C., Puangniyom, T., Chen, Q. G., Chueh, C. C., & Lee, W. Y. (2024). Enhancing charge transport in isoindigo-based donor–acceptor copolymers by combining ionic doping with polar alkoxy side chains. RSC Applied Interfaces. 李文亞
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